This very special router bit is a round over bit with a slightly longer straight cutting edge at the bottom. Round overs are classified by the radius they cut. A ½ inch radius bit (12,7mm) cut a round over with a ½ inch radius.
Rounded edges give a project a softer, smoother look. The greater the radius of the round-over, the more pronounced this effect becomes. By extending the bit slightly a fillet can be produced.
Rounding an edge makes it more durable because it won't show dents, splinter, or lose its finish as easily as a sharp corner. Like a knife that loses its sharp edge, a rounded corner is more 'friendly' to people or objects that come in contact with it.
These anti-kickback bits have more body mass, and their enlarged bodies prevent the bits from biting too deeply and catching on the material, a design that minimizes the risk of work piece kick-back . The greater body mass also helps to dissipate heat and keep the bits sharp for longer.
Using an edge guide with the router, it is possible to use the router bit to round over outside edges with a fillet or without.
Definition: Cutting a groove in a wood surface producing a groove with rounded shaped sides with a specified radius.
This router bit has a 12.7mm shank (shaft) that will fit most large routers. Please ensure that you select a router bit with a shank (shaft) size that will fit into your router collet.